
Friday, July 26, 2013

Acts Chapter One.

Before I get into this book, I would like to let you all know that I will be using different kinds of Bible but mainly KJV for this bible study.  You can use any Bible version of your desire.  I have many different bibles for references, better understanding, and better translation.  There would be days when my brain isn't working right with KJV and I would turn to ESV, NKJV, or HCSB.  To me, KJV may be one of the hardest version to read but I  really love this version.  Before you read this blog, please pray and ask God to give you and me wisdom.  I will never be able to learn everything and will not know everything about the Bible.  Only God knows everything and only through Him, we can acquire wisdom about the Living Word of God. 

Here are some notes after reading Acts 1.  Enjoy!

(verse 1-3)
The first 3 verses spoke of how Jesus was ordered to choose the apostles through the Holy Spirit.  He spoke of many proofs, and appearing to them during 40 days.  During those 40 days, He spoke the wonderful things about the Kingdom of God. 

(verse 6-8)
Christ wanted the apostles to know that they will be baptized with the Holy Spirit soon and after they heard Him, they asked Him if He will restore the kingdom to Israel, Christ Himself told them that it was not for them to know or worry about.  Their main focus was to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, have church grow by hearing the Gospel, and spread the Gospel throughout the world though the Holy Spirit. 

(Verse 9-11)

Jesus was ascended into Heaven and as he was ascending, the apostles watched as He was taken away in a cloud, and still looking up.  Then all of the sudden, the two men in white clothes asked them "....why do you stand gazing up into heaven?" (NKJV verse 11)  Basically what they were saying, He'll come back in the same way the cloud took Him.  Move on, preach the Gospel and bring Salvation to the world.

(Verse 12-14)

These men came together in unity of prayer.  Peter, John, James, Andrew, Phillip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James (Son of Alphaeus), Simon, and Judas.  They were  the 12 apostles that Christ have chosen before He ascended into Heaven. Number 12 means tribe, association, organization, or gathering of people.  These 12 men are the "first church" before opening doors to many churches we have today.  These men were the "pioneers" of the church.  If it was not for these men, we probably wouldn't have churches as we do today. 

(Verse 15-26)

Barsabas and Matthias were two men they prayed for after this man (unknown), have passed away (verse 18).  Matthias was chosen to take up the apostleship and  ministry that Judas Iscariot have failed. 

Hope you enjoy this bible study blog.  Please send me any question or comment! 

God bless you all!

Pastor R.A.Sanchez Jr.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Genesis Chapter 5: 10 Names and its meanings

My thoughts on Genesis 5.

[Adam] Man (is) [Seth] appointed [Enosh] mortal [Cainan] sorrow, (but) [Mahalelel] the Blessed God (who is JESUS) [Jared] shall come down [Enoch] teaching (that) [Methuselah] His death shall bring [Lamech] powerful [Noah] rest.
"The Man is an appointed mortal sorrow" which means that we are sinners. We came into this world with Sin which means "separation of God".

The Blessed God who is Jesus came to this world with Love, Compassion, and ready to Save us! Ready to Heal us! Not to condemn us but to show us the way of Salvation. In John 14:6 (KJV) "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me."
He came to show us the way by " teaching " us that "His Death shall bring us Salvation and Powerful Rest". This means that our Sins are forgiven by His Blood, His Death, and His Resurrection. He's our redemption, our salvation, and our only way to Heaven. We can Rest knowing that we are saved by Grace, not by our performance but by His finished performance on the Cross. Our duty is just believe in Jesus as our Savior and His finished work.

Isn't that amazing. Even names in the Bible have beautiful meanings! God bought Jesus to the earth so that we can learn that Christ's Death bring us REST. The kind of Peace that the world can't give us but Jesus only. He will give us peace when we magnify His name and Trust in the Lord. The more we focus in Him, the more we can receive His Refreshing and Rest.

It's also amazing that there are 10 names that I mentioned up there. 10 in the Bible means Holy just as His 10 Commandments. Since we can't follow His Big 10's perfectly , Christ taught us that His Death will bring Rest in us because He have fulfilled the 10 Commandment for us. The more we are have Jesus in our Hearts and Minds, the more we will sin less because Sin have no dominion over us and because we are new creations in Christ, we are no longer of the flesh about of the Spirit.

Studying the Book of Acts.

I have decided to study the Book of Acts.  The Lord have put the desire into my heart to increase my knowledge in this awesome book.   As I study the Book of Acts, I would like to put down my thoughts in each chapter.  Please pray for me to receive His wisdom and help me grow in His Word. 

May God bless you with this blog and stay blessed!